Holiday Giving provides gifts for 60 families and more than 300 total family members.
60 volunteers and students from the Quest program assist students with their shopping.
The Will Allen Foundation is committed to the mantra of “paying it forward”, especially during the holiday season.
In each year students from the Quest Program and corporate and community volunteers take a group of children from Boys and Girls Clubs of Western PA and Clairton School District shopping for their families.
With the 2022 Holiday Giving program, Will Allen Foundation will have touched the lives of nearly 3,000 family members.
Every child receives a gift card so they can purchase gifts for their parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles and even their pets! It’s also our goal to send every child home with a special surprise for him/herself.
We are fervently dedicated to impact more and more families, and we encourage you to partner with us as we continue this great mission.